Identitatea Operatorului și date de contact :
Societatea Magic Orion Srl (în continuare „Societatea” sau „Operatorul”) are calitatea de operator de date cu caracter
personal în sensul Regulamentului UE nr. 2016/679 (în continuare „Regulamentul”), în relație cu beneficiarii serviciilor pe care le
oferă (în continuare „Beneficiari” sau „Persoane Vizate”).
Atributele de identificare ale societății sunt după cum urmează:
Sediu social: Localitatea Cluj-Napoca, Jud Cluj
Număr de înregistrare în Registrul Comerțului de pe lângă Tribunalul Cluj : J12/5328/2022
Cod unic de Înregistrare: 46715640 (Societatea NU este plătitoare de TVA);
În orice chestiuni legate de prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal Societatea poate fi contactată la următoarele coordonate:
Poștă: Cluj-Napoca, str. Zorilor nr.40.5b/18, jud. Cluj;
a. E-mail:;
b. Telefon: +40770530782
Confidentialitatea datelor dumneavoastra cu caracter personal reprezinta una dintre preocuparile principale ale , Magic Orion Srl cu sediul in Cluj-Napoca, strada Zorilor nr 40 bl5v/18 Romania, in calitate de operator de date.
Acest document are rolul de a va informa cu privire la prelucrarea datelor dumneavoastra cu caracter personal, in contextul utilizarii paginii de internet, la care ne vom referi in continuare cu denumirea "site-ul".
Pentru orice intrebari suplimentare cu privire la modul in care datele cu caracter personal sunt prelucrate si pentru a va exercita drepturile mentionate mai sus, va rugam sa va adresati la adresa de email:
7. Confidentialitatea minorilor
Magic Orion Srl nu contacteaza cu buna stiinta sau nu colecteaza informatii de la persoane cu varsta sub 18 ani. Website-ul nu are ca scop solicitarea de informatii de orice fel de la persoane cu varsta sub 18 ani.
Daca printr-o eroare intram in posesia unor astfel de informatii si suntem instiintati de acest lucru, vom obtine consimtamantul parental adecvat pentru a utiliza aceste informatii sau, in cazul in care nu este posibil, vom sterge informatiile de pe serverele noastre.
Daca doriti sa ne comunicati primirea de informatii despre persoanele cu varsta sub 18 ani, va rugam sa ne contactati pe email la
8. Modificari in politica de confidentialitate
Ne rezervam dreptul de a modifica aceasta politica de confidentialitate. In cazul unor modificari majore pe viitor vei fi instiintat pe email (daca este posibil) sau prin afisarea unui mesaj specific pe site.
B. Proprietatea intelectuala
B. 1. Continutul acestui site, sub toate aspectele, este proprietatea Magic Orion Srl, iar informatiile respective pot fi sub incidenta legilor interne sau internationale de protectie a proprietatii intelectuale.
B. 2. Toate drepturile referitoare la proprietatea intelectuala sunt rezervate. Protectia se exercita asupra textelor, creatiei artistice, imaginilor si fotografiilor, precum si asupra altor elemente protejate de drepturi de autor.
B. 3. Nu aveti voie (si nici nu puteti sa permiteti nimanui altcuiva) sa copiati, sa modificati, sa creati derivatii, sa efectuati activitati de reverse engineering, sa decompilati sau sa incercati in orice alt mod sa extrageti codul sursa al site-ului
C. Utilizarea site-ului
C. 1. Orice vizitator/utilizator al acestui site poate vizita site-ul
C. 2. Vizitatorul/Utilizatorul intelege si este de acord sa foloseasca situl numai in scopuri legale. Vizitatorul/Utilizatorul se obliga sa foloseasca acest site fara a modifica, copia, distribui, transmite, publica, acorda licente, crea produse derivate, transfera sau vinde orice fel de informatie, produse sau servicii obtinute de pe sau prin intermediul acestui site. Vizitatorul/Utilizatorul se obliga, de asemenea, sa nu foloseasca si sa nu permita vreunui tert sa foloseasca aceste site-uri pentru a primi sau transmite materiale care contravin oricarei legi sau dispozitii legale in vigoare, de natura obscena, amenintatoare, agresiva, defaimatoare.
C. 3. Sunteti de acord sa nu accesati (sau sa nu incercati sa accesati) nici unul dintre Servicii prin alte mijloace decat interfata oferita de Magic Orion Srl
C. 4. Sunteti de acord sa nu intreprindeti nici o activitate care interfereaza cu Serviciile sau le afecteaza (sau serverele si retelele care sunt conectate la Servicii).
C. 5. Cu exceptia cazului in care vi se permite expres acest lucru in cadrul unui contract separat cu Magic Orion Srl, sunteti de acord sa nu reproduceti, sa nu duplicati, sa nu copiati, sa nu vindeti, sa nu comercializati sau sa nu revindeti Serviciile oferite in nici un scop.
C. 6. Sunteti de acord ca sunteti singurul responsabil (iar Magic Orion Srl nu are nici o responsabilitate fata de dvs. sau fata de terti) pentru orice incalcare a obligatiilor dvs. prevazute in Termeni si Conditii si pentru orice consecinte (inclusiv orice pierderi sau prejudicii pe care le poate suferi Magic Orion Srl) care pot aparea in urma unei asemenea incalcari.
C. 7. Magic Orion Srl incearca sa mentina informatiile de pe acest site cat mai corecte, complete si actuale. Totusi, Magic Orion Srl nu isi asuma in nici un fel raspunderea pentru eventualele inadecvente legate de descrierea serviciilor, documentelor si alte caracteristici de orice natura ale produselor si serviciilor de pe si nu garanteaza ca informatiile sunt corecte, complete, actuale, de incredere ori fara erori.
C. 8. Magic Orion Srl nu isi asuma raspunderea pentru nici un fel de pierdere (materiala, financiara, de date sau informatii) care poate sa apara direct sau indirect din cauza informatiilor incluse pe situl sau a nefunctionarii sau functionarii necorespunzatoare a acestui site. Plata tuturor cheltuielilor aditionale legate de folosirea siteului (inclusiv servicii telefonice si/sau Internet) intra in sarcina Vizitatorului/Utilizatorului.
C. 9. Ati luat cunostinta de faptul ca toate informatiile (cum ar fi fisiere de date, text scris, aplicatii software, muzica, fisiere audio sau alte sunete, fotografii, filme sau alte imagini) la care aveti acces ca fiind parte din Servicii sau prin utilizarea Serviciilor sunt doar raspunderea persoanei de la care origineaza continutul respectiv.
C. 10. Sunteti de acord ca sunteti singura persoana responsabila (iar Magic Orion Srl nu are nici o responsabilitate fata de dvs. sau fata de terti) pentru orice Continut pe care il creati, transmiteti sau postati atunci cand utilizati Serviciile si pentru consecintele actiunilor dvs. (inclusiv pentru orice pierdere sau prejudiciu pe care il poate suferi Magic Orion Srl).
C. 11. Dvs. va pastrati drepturile de autor si orice alte drepturi pe care le detineti deja asupra Continutului pe care il trimiteti, postati sau expuneti in cadrul sau prin intermediul Serviciilor. Prin trimiterea, postarea sau expunerea unui continut, dvs. Ii acordati lui Magic Orion Srl o licenta perpetua, irevocabila, universala, fara redeventa si neexclusiva de a reproduce, de a adapta, de a modifica, de a translata, de a publica, de a transmite public, de a dezvalui public si de a distribui orice Continut pe care il transmiteti, postati sau expuneti in cadrul sau prin intermediul Serviciilor. Aceasta licenta are singurul scop de a permite lui Magic Orion Srl sa expuna, sa distribuie si sa promoveze Serviciile si poate fi revocata pentru anumite Servicii.
C. 12. Sunteti de acord ca aceasta licenta include dreptul Magic Orion Srl de a pune acest Continut la dispozitia altor societati, organizatii sau persoane fizice carora Magic Orion Srl le furnizeaza servicii, si de a utiliza acest Continut in legatura cu furnizarea acestor servicii.
C. 13. Ati luat cunostinta de faptul ca Magic Orion Srl, in executarea operatiunilor tehnice necesare pentru furnizarea de Servicii catre utilizatori, poate (a) transmite sau distribui Continutul dvs. catre diverse retele publice si diverse mijloace media; si (b) opera modificarile necesare asupra Continutului dvs. astfel incat acesta sa se conformeze si sa se adapteze la cerintele tehnice ale retelelor, aparatelor, serviciilor sau mijloacelor de legatura. Acceptati faptul ca aceasta licenta ii va permite Premium Teaching sa faca aceste operatiuni.
C. 14. Confirmati si garantati fata de Magic Orion Srl ca detineti toate drepturile, puterile si autoritatea in vederea acordarii licentei sus mentionate.
Prin achitarea serviciilor sau produselor prezente pe acest site ( , va asumati ca ati luat la cunostinta toate prevederile de mai sus si sunteti de acord cu ele !
Operator's Identity and Contact Information:
Magic Orion Srl (hereinafter "Company" or "Operator") is the data controller as per EU Regulation no. 2016/679 (hereinafter "Regulation") concerning personal data in relation to the beneficiaries of the services it provides (hereinafter "Beneficiaries" or "Data Subjects").
The identification attributes of the company are as follows: Registered office: Cluj-Napoca, Cluj County Registration number with the Trade Register near the Cluj Tribunal: J12/5328/2022 Unique Registration Code: 46715640 (The Company is not VAT registered);
For any matters related to the processing of personal data, the Company can be contacted at the following coordinates: Mail: Cluj-Napoca, Zorilor street no. 40.5b/18, Cluj County; a. Email:; b. Phone: +40770530782
The confidentiality of your personal data is one of the main concerns of Magic Orion Srl, located in Cluj-Napoca, Zorilor street no. 40 bl5v/18 Romania, as the data controller. This document aims to inform you about the processing of your personal data in the context of using the website, referred to hereinafter as the "website." Table of Contents
Categories of processed personal data Purposes and legal bases of processing Duration for which we process your data Disclosure of personal data Transfer of personal data Your rights Confidentiality of minors Changes to the privacy policy
Categories of processed personal data a. If you are a website customer, we will process your personal data such as: Full name Phone number Email address Billing address Delivery address Data related to your website usage (e.g., behavior/preferences/habits within domains) Any other categories of data provided directly when creating a user account, placing an order through the website, or in any other way resulting from using the website. If you use your Facebook or Google account to create a user account on the site, we will process the following public profile data displayed by those applications: username, email address. If you choose to create a user account just before completing an order for a product available on the site, your email address will be requested, and an account will be automatically created based on it. If you do not complete the order, the email address and other provided data will not be stored by [Company], and the created account will be automatically deleted. b. If you are a website visitor, [website owner] will process your personal data that you provide: Directly in the context of using the website, such as data provided in the contact/questions/complaints section, to the extent that you contact us in this way Indirectly, data such as: IP address, used browser, browsing duration, search history, used operating system, language, and pages viewed, complete URLs, click sequence to, through, and from our site, viewed/searched information or products, duration of visits on certain pages, information about user interaction with pages (e.g., scrolling, clicks, mouse movements), data about user behavior.
Purposes and legal bases of processing a. If you are a website customer, we process your personal data as follows: For the execution of the contractual relationship between you and [Company], namely for receiving, validating, dispatching, and billing the order placed on the site, informing you about the order status, organizing the return of ordered products, etc. Legal basis: The processing of your data for this purpose is based on the contract concluded between you and [Company], defined in the Terms and Conditions Providing your personal data is necessary for the execution of this contract. Refusing to provide data may result in the impossibility of carrying out contractual relations between you and [Company]. For the fulfillment of legal obligations arising in the context of services provided through the website, including tax obligations and archiving. Legal basis: The processing of your data for this purpose is necessary based on legal obligations. Providing your data for this purpose is necessary. Refusing to provide data may result in the impossibility of fulfilling the legal obligations incumbent on [Company], thus unable to provide services through the website. For marketing activities, i.e., sending commercial communications about products and services offered by [Company] through the website. Legal basis: The processing of your data for this purpose is based on your consent if you choose to provide it. You can express your consent for data processing for this purpose by checking the corresponding box at the time of creating an account or later, in the "My Account" section. To unsubscribe from receiving such commercial communications, you can use the option at the end of each email/SMS containing commercial communications. Additionally, you can unsubscribe by accessing the "My Account" section. Providing your data for this purpose is voluntary. Refusing to provide consent for data processing for this purpose will not have negative consequences for you. For various analyses, reports on the functioning of the website, creating consumer preference profiles primarily to improve the user experience on the site. Legal basis: The processing of your data for this purpose is based on the legitimate interest of [Company] to continually improve the customer experience on the site. Providing your data for this purpose is voluntary. Refusing to provide data for this purpose will not have negative consequences for you. b. If you are a website visitor, [website owner] processes your personal data as follows: For marketing activities, i.e., sending commercial communications about products and services offered by [website owner] through the website. Legal basis: The processing of your data for this purpose is based on your consent if you choose to provide it. You can express your consent for data processing for this purpose by completing and checking the appropriate box in the newsletter subscription form available on the website. To unsubscribe from receiving such commercial communications, you can use the option at the end of each email/SMS containing commercial communications. Providing your data for this purpose is voluntary. Refusing to provide consent for data processing for this purpose will not have negative consequences for you. For resolving complaints, complaints, and monitoring traffic to improve the experience offered on the site. Legal basis: The processing of your data for this purpose is based on the legitimate interest of [website owner] to ensure the correct functioning of the site and to continually improve the visitor experience on the site, including by addressing various comments, questions, or complaints. Providing your data for this purpose is voluntary. Refusing to provide data for this purpose will not have negative consequences for you.
Duration for which we process your data Magic Orion Srl will process your personal data for as long as necessary to achieve the processing purposes mentioned above. If you are a customer, we will process your data for the entire duration of the contractual relationship and subsequently according to the legal obligations incumbent on us (e.g., financial-accounting documents for which the retention period prescribed by law is 10 years from the date of the financial year's end during which they were drawn up). If you are a customer and exercise the option to delete the user account by pressing the "delete account" button in the "My Account" section, we will interpret this action as your choice to unsubscribe from receiving commercial communications informing you about the products and services offered through the website. In this sense, if you choose to delete the account, we will keep your personal data related to the account for this purpose. If you are a website visitor, we will process your data for a period of 30 days from the date of the visit, except for the situation in which you choose to contact us in one of the ways mentioned in the presentation of the processed categories of personal data.
Disclosure of personal data Your data can be transmitted to the following categories of recipients: To courier service providers, respectively to [Courier Company], only if you are a customer. To payment/banking service providers, respectively to [Payment Processor], only if you are a customer. To providers of marketing services, respectively to [Marketing Service Provider], only if you are a customer. If you are a website visitor, your personal data will not be disclosed to other recipients.
Transfer of personal data Your personal data may be transferred to other countries, including those outside the European Union, such as the United States of America. The transfer of personal data outside the European Union will be carried out in accordance with the legal provisions in force. If personal data is transferred to a country outside the European Union for which there is no European Commission decision regarding the adequate level of protection, we will take appropriate measures to ensure that your personal data receives an adequate level of protection.
Your rights If you are a customer, you have the following rights: The right to information, respectively the right to receive details about how your data is processed by [Company] as described in this document; The right to access data, respectively the right to obtain confirmation from [Company] regarding the processing of personal data, as well as details about the processing activities such as the way the data is processed, the purpose of the processing, the recipients/categories of recipients, etc.; The right to rectification, respectively the right to obtain the correction by [Company] of inaccurate or unjustified personal data, as well as the completion of incomplete data; The right to delete data, without undue delay, ("the right to be forgotten") if one of the following reasons applies: a. Personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed; b. If consent is withdrawn, and there is no other legal basis for processing; c. If personal data is processed illegally; d. If personal data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation; e. If personal data has been collected regarding the provision of information society services under Union or national law; f. If you are a customer and choose to delete the account; The right to restrict processing to the extent that: a. You contest the accuracy of the data, for a period that allows us to verify the accuracy of the data; b. The processing is illegal, and you oppose the deletion of personal data, instead requesting restrictions on their use; c. [Company] no longer needs personal data for processing, but you request them for the establishment, exercise, or defense of a right in court; d. If you have opposed the processing (other than direct marketing), for the period of time that is verifying whether the legitimate rights of [Company] prevail over yours. The right to portability, respectively (i) the right to receive personal data in a structured, commonly used format that can be read automatically and (ii) the right to have this data transmitted directly by [Company] to another data controller, to the extent that the conditions provided by law are met; The right to object - in respect of processing activities, including the creation of profiles, carried out based on the legitimate interest of [Company]; Rights regarding automated individual decision-making - you have the right not to be the subject of a decision based solely on automatic processing, including the creation of profiles, which produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you. If you are a website visitor, you have the following rights: The right to information, respectively the right to receive details about how your data is processed by [website owner] as described in this document; The right to access data, respectively the right to obtain confirmation from [website owner] regarding the processing of personal data, as well as details about the processing activities such as the way the data is processed, the purpose of the processing, the recipients/categories of recipients, etc.; The right to rectification, respectively the right to obtain the correction by [website owner] of inaccurate or unjustified personal data, as well as the completion of incomplete data; The right to delete data, without undue delay, ("the right to be forgotten") if one of the following reasons applies: a. Personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed; b. If consent is withdrawn, and there is no other legal basis for processing; c. If personal data is processed illegally; d. If personal data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation; e. If personal data has been collected regarding the provision of information society services under Union or national law; f. If you choose to contact us in one of the ways mentioned in the presentation of the processed categories of personal data and choose to delete the data. The right to restrict processing to the extent that: a. You contest the accuracy of the data, for a period that allows us to verify the accuracy of the data; b. The processing is illegal, and you oppose the deletion of personal data, instead requesting restrictions on their use; c. [website owner] no longer needs personal data for processing, but you request them for the establishment, exercise, or defense of a right in court; d. You have opposed the processing (other than direct marketing), for the period of time that is verifying whether the legitimate rights of [website owner] prevail over yours. The right to portability, respectively (i) the right to receive personal data in a structured, commonly used format that can be read automatically and (ii) the right to have this data transmitted directly by [website owner] to another data controller, to the extent that the conditions provided by law are met; The right to object - in respect of processing activities, including the creation of profiles, carried out based on the legitimate interest of [website owner]; Rights regarding automated individual decision-making - you have the right not to be the subject of a decision based solely on automatic processing, including the creation of profiles, which produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you. To exercise your rights, you can contact [Company] using the contact details in the "Operator Identity and Contact Information" section.
Confidentiality of minors We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 16. If we find that we have collected personal information from a child under 16, we will take steps to delete that information as soon as possible.
Changes to the privacy policy We reserve the right to change this privacy policy. Any changes will be effective from the date of publication on the website. If we consider it appropriate, we will inform you of the changes made to this document.
B. Intellectual Property B.1. The content of this site, in all its aspects, is the property of Magic Orion Srl, and the respective information may be subject to domestic or international laws for the protection of intellectual property. B.2. All rights regarding intellectual property are reserved. Protection is exercised over texts, artistic creations, images, and photographs, as well as other elements protected by copyright. B.3. You are not allowed (and you cannot allow anyone else) to copy, modify, create derivatives, perform reverse engineering, decompile, or attempt in any other way to extract the source code of the website
C. Use of the website C.1. Any visitor/user of this site can visit the website C.2. The visitor/user understands and agrees to use the site only for legal purposes. The visitor/user undertakes to use this site without modifying, copying, distributing, transmitting, publishing, granting licenses, creating derivative products, transferring, or selling any information, products, or services obtained from or through this site. The visitor/user also agrees not to use and not to allow any third party to use these sites to receive or transmit materials that violate any laws or legal provisions in force, of an obscene, threatening, aggressive, or defamatory nature. C.3. You agree not to access (or attempt to access) any of the services by means other than the interface provided by Magic Orion Srl. C.4. You agree not to undertake any activity that interferes with the services or affects them (or the servers and networks connected to the services). C.5. Unless expressly permitted in a separate contract with Magic Orion Srl, you agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, or resell the services offered for any purpose. C.6. You agree that you are solely responsible (and Magic Orion Srl has no responsibility to you or to third parties) for any breach of your obligations under the Terms and Conditions and for any consequences (including any losses or damages that Magic Orion Srl may suffer) that may arise from such a breach. C.7. Magic Orion Srl strives to keep the information on this site as accurate, complete, and up-to-date as possible. However, Magic Orion Srl assumes no responsibility for any inadequacies related to the description of services, documents, and other characteristics of any kind of products and services on and does not guarantee that the information is correct, complete, up-to-date, reliable, or error-free. C.8. Magic Orion Srl is not responsible for any kind of loss (material, financial, data, or information) that may occur directly or indirectly due to the information included on the site or the improper or non-functioning of this site. The visitor/user is responsible for all additional expenses related to the use of the site (including telephone and/or internet services). C.9. You are aware that all information (such as data files, written text, software applications, music, audio files, or other sounds, photographs, movies, or other images) to which you have access as part of the services or through the use of the services are the sole responsibility of the person from whom the content originates. C.10. You agree that you are solely responsible (and Magic Orion Srl has no responsibility to you or to third parties) for any content you create, transmit, or post when using the services and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage that Magic Orion Srl may suffer). C.11. You retain your copyright and any other rights you already hold over the content you submit, post, or display within or through the services. By submitting, posting, or displaying content, you grant Magic Orion Srl a perpetual, irrevocable, universal, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display, and distribute any content you submit, post, or display within or through the services. This license is solely for the purpose of allowing Magic Orion Srl to display, distribute, and promote the services and may be revoked for certain services. C.12. You agree that this license includes Magic Orion Srl's right to make this content available to other companies, organizations, or individuals to whom Magic Orion Srl provides services and to use this content in connection with the provision of these services. C.13. You acknowledge that Magic Orion Srl, in carrying out the technical operations necessary for the provision of services to users, may (a) transmit or distribute your content to various public networks and various media; and (b) make the necessary changes to your content to make it comply with and adapt to the technical requirements of networks, devices, services, or communication means. You accept that this license will allow Magic Orion Srl to perform these operations. C.14. You confirm and warrant to Magic Orion Srl that you have all the rights, powers, and authority to grant the license mentioned above.
By purchasing services or products on this site (, you acknowledge that you have read all the above provisions and agree to them!